This is a new category of blog post I’m going to start doing once in a while. It’s meant to be a little behind the scenes look at what goes into developing an App.
I’m in the process of testing version 1.4 of OmniSketch. Prior to version 1.4 I only had to test on the iPad. Version 1.4 includes support phone iPhone and iPod Touch so I have to test on those devices. Since each version of iOS adds new features I need to make sure the App runs on the lowest version is iOS that I am targeting. My current target is for the App to run on iOS 3.0 and later.
One thing I found was that iOS 3.2 added functionality that makes it easy for developers to add support for custom gesture recognition. This is what I used to detect swipe gestures to change pages in the gallery. Since this feature was added in 3.2 it is not available in 3.0. I have to fix this or the App will crash on devices that haven’t been upgraded. So I have to implement my own code to recognize swipe gestures.
Here’s a look at my test setup. That’s all my test devices minus my iPhone 4 that I took the pictures with.
1st Generation iPod Touch, iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS and iPad
Truly Amazing!
Click to see the full image.
[column width=”30%” padding=”2%”]
by JSB
by Kate[/column] [column width=”30%” padding=”0”]
by Dusty bottoms
by Sam[/column] [column width=”30%” padding=”0”]
by robfuzz
by Graham Lubin[/column]
Check out the full OmniSketch Online Gallery.
There are so many amazing works of art being posted to the Online Gallery. Thank you all for sharing!
Click to see the full image.
[column width=”30%” padding=”2%”]
by oldeagle
by Ocarrillo[/column] [column width=”30%” padding=”0”]
by Robert Nino
by JSB[/column] [column width=”30%” padding=”0”]
by JSB
Check out the full OmniSketch Online Gallery.
OmniSketch got a great review over at!
I can’t recommend OmniSketch to everyone, because some people just aren’t interested in Art. It’s a sure fire bet for procedural artists, and an interesting app for anyone interested in art, even slightly. It’s a small risk at $1.99, and even if you interact with the app in no greater detail than I have, you’ll leave thinking it was an interesting experience.
Click here to read the full review.
Click to see the full image.
[column width=”30%” padding=”2%”]
by IMN
by Chanchan222[/column] [column width=”30%” padding=”0”]
by Fvran
by Mike_C[/column] [column width=”30%” padding=”0”]
by Guillermo Martinez
by hobodave[/column]
Check out the full OmniSketch Online Gallery.